A Very Happy BettyThis ^ (see picture above) is how I looked on my friend Marjorie's monitor last night. I spent the evening grinning like an idiot. Usually, I'd just call it a bug. But this time, little Betty definitely had a reason to smile. Who wouldn't be this happy with all the cool stuff that has been happening recently?!
First, getting the chance to be involved with the Relay for Life Dixie Rebels crew has been a blast. The *Poodles* outfits seem to be selling well. I am so happy everytime I see that one of them has sold or that a donation has been made. I definitely want to make more things, so if you have requests, let me know! I need ideas and always love getting suggestions from people.
Second, I got blogged y'all! Not once, but twice! That was wayyyyyy cool! I want to say a big thank you to Tigerlily Koi from the
Aspire blog and Grazia Horwitz from the
Second Style Fashionista blog for their kind words. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Those reviews totally made my day (well, days really, since one was last week) However, the day wasn't done yet!
I logged in yesterday to find an IM waiting for me. It was from Blaze Columbia about the
New Designer Forum. *faint* I had to wait a bit to reply because I was afraid of sounding like a real dork (waiting probably did not help much.) The convo pretty much went like this on my part : "thanks!" "thank you!" "thanks again!" "ty ty" and so on.
After a short convo, I got to met up with Blaze to pick my wall. It's a big wall. A very very big wall. A huuuuge wall. All I kept thinking was...there is NO WAY I can fill this!
Woah...that's a biiiiiiiig wall
Blaze left (probably tired of hearing thanks so many friggin times lol) and I went back to set up a little later on. I started with the new dresses. Haha! The posters were so so tiny! I have gotten so used playing Tetris with my posters in tiny shops that I must admit, I was a little overwhelmed by this wall. I ended up taking everything I had ever made out of my inventory, moving stuff around a few billion times (scaling some things to make them bigger so it wouldn't look so bare) and finally came up with a layout that I was satisfied with.
And so, there it was. All my work so far. All on one big, huge, giant wall. Not much by some standards, but more than I thought I would ever have when I first started. I definitely never thought I would end up here, in this place, or get written about, or get the chance to get involved in the SLRFL.
What amazing people I have met and what a fun ride this has been so far. It's a little surreal. And way, way cool. Thanks to everyone, for the kind words, the amazing opportunities, and most of all, thanks to my Son crew, who inspire me and make me laugh every single day.