Monday, April 30, 2007

Project Open Letter

Skin: Honey-Vanilla by Lovey Darling Hair: Gooseberry by Calla

Just wanted to post about project Open Letter. You can read about the project and add your name to the list of signatures if you wish.

I think it is a good idea. The letter is well written and to the point. I think it shows people care about SL and want to see it evolve. I take many of the "bugs" as part of the package and don't really let them affect me. But the letter got me thinking that well... perhaps it's not a good sign if things not working are just taken as a given. I don't know how many times I have told new residents "ohhh don't worry, that's just a bug, happens all the time but we find ways to work around them. No worries!" or "ohhh it's update day (or it's the weekend), those are always rough. Don't worry, it will get better"

All in all, my experience in Second Life is very positive but it can't hurt to improve the experience!

On a side note, it's Monday and I have a ton of things to do. time for SL much. I do check in to reply to IMs etc, just no time for making new things right now. Plus, I can't create if I know I have other things to do, I need to have a clear head. I have so many ideas doodled on scraps of paper, just need time!

Have a nice week everyone :)

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