Saturday, December 30, 2006

Model for a day

Victor Brody's Leather Leopard Jacket

Had fun last night modeling for my sim-mate Vic! He came up to me the other day with his latest creation, a sweet leather leopard jacket and asked if I wouldn't mind posing for some pics. Hell yeah! Totally vintage. Check out the glasses too! Another one of Vic's awesome creations. Felt like a total rock star with this outfit.

The shoot was fun. Not that it requires a lot of sweat and tears to stand there and let someone else take the pictures. I could get used to this!

You can check out Vic's gear in his shop in the Son Village Shopping Mall.

Here's the slurl y'all!
Victor's Vintage. Avatars, Clothes and More!, Son (81, 142, 27)

I promise new stuff really soon. Holidays have been filled with too much social and not enough workin'! People are just too darn friendly in my new neighborhood. I really lucked out with my new sim-mates. We all moved in pretty much at the same time in Son Village/Mall so we are all busy getting to know each other and snooping on everyone's builds (and designing things for our stores.)

Hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve!

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