Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Ghost Hunt

Get your bag and start finding goodies!

The Grid Wide Halloween Hunt organized by Lucky Designs started earlier today and will last until Sunday November 4th. Yay!

I decided to jump in and join the fun, so I have a couple of ghosts hidden in the Total Betty Boutique main store on Son. I think they are pretty easy to find. My store isn't that big so hiding stuff is kinda hard. I also added an Apple Bob thingie so you can get some free stuff in there too!

Participating is pretty easy. Just make your way the the central hub to pick up your bag and then look at the big display board. It lists all the places taking part in the hunt. TP to one of them, find a ghost, click on it (while wearing the bag) and the prize goes straight into your goodie bag. Way cool!

Here is the slurl to get started

Happy Halloween everyone and happy hunting!

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