Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Video Teaser! Divine Intervention -- October 5th 5-8pm SLT

The wonderful Miabella Foxley just sent me the link to the teaser for Friday's big couture fashion venue -- Divine Intervention presented by Imagen Divine Agency [ida].

Friday, October 5th from 5pm to 8pm SLT.
Live Elements (217/237/491)

Check it out!

Machinima by Cecil Hervi

The venue will feature designs by TULI (Tuli Asturias), Casa del Shai (Shai Delacroix), Ingenue (Betty Doyle), Karamia (Kara Eagle), Calla (Haedon Quine), Amaretto (Lux Yao) and Total Betty (Betty Barracuda aka moi! Eep!)

Imagen Divine Agency: Miabella Foxley, Elysium Eilde, Victoria Coppola

Featured [ida] models: Dendre Benelli, Bex Hathaway, Addison Krupinski, Halfpint Pennell, Mellyn McCarey, Feles Seitan.

There is a rumour going around that in addition to a fabulous fashion show, there will be gift bags full of goodies but you didn't hear it from me! ;)

Hope to see you there! IM me if you need a LM.

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